
Gmail send email as alias address
Gmail send email as alias address

gmail send email as alias address
  1. #Gmail send email as alias address update
  2. #Gmail send email as alias address free

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  • #Gmail send email as alias address free

    "From: (sent by Help Settting up Gmail Aliases in Gem? Feel free to reach out to the Gem team by emailing us directly at or press "Chat with Us" in the Gem home page. If you use Gmail's Mail Delegation, your email address will show in the from field.Į.g. Write a signature for your new alias and press "Save Changes". In your Gmail settings, under General, scroll to the Signature setting and select your new alias from the dropdown. If you want to use this alias by default for all sequences, go to your Gem settings and edit the Sequence Defaults. The left-hand side of this page has a section for Gmail options, that shows all available aliases. If you want to use this alias for a single sequence, you can do so from the "Review your sequence" step when creating or sending a sequence. ( This guide has more details.) Also pay attention to the "When replying to a message" setting on this page: when you reply to a candidate, do you want the response to look like it's coming from you (the recruiter) or (the hiring manager)? In your Gmail settings, add as a new "send mail as" alias. Ask a colleague to email and make sure you receive the message. Make sure that emails sent to this new address end up in your own email inbox. If you choose to use a Google alias, you must replace your profile image with a generic icon, and to avoid revealing your own name you must also delete your Google+ account if you have one.Ĭreate a Google Group (This typically requires your IT or Gsuite administrator to set up the group to allow public posts, and you to send emails on behalf of the group) called steveb, and join the group. Important: Candidates who use Gmail will see your account's Google+ profile information, including your name and profile picture (instead of Steve's). Work with your IT Team, or Google Apps administrator to set up your Aliasĭepending on what your company's GSuite Administrator is comfortable with, here are some options (PICK ONE OPTION):Īsk your GSuite administrator to create an alias that forwards mail to you.

    gmail send email as alias address

    In order for the Gem magic to work correctly, please follow the steps below! Important: if you don't follow the steps in this guide, and instead choose to send as Gem will not automatically stop sequences when a candidate replies. (Tip: We recommend adding a last initial, last name, or something else that makes it look like it could be the hiring manager's normal email address.) Instead, we'll pick a brand-new address and send emails from that address. We won't actually send emails from because we want replies to go to you (the recruiter!) instead of to Steve. In this example, let's pretend you want to send an email on behalf of your hiring manager Steve Bartel, whose email address is a new email address Aliases also let you control the messages that are sent, as well as handle the replies. a hiring manager), or an alias you prefer to use when emailing prospects.

    gmail send email as alias address

    Using an aliases in your Gem sequences to make it look like your sequences are coming from someone else in your company (e.g. If you use Gmail Aliases, Gem will automatically pull those into your account, so you can use them in your sequences!

    Gmail send email as alias address